Miguel Guillén announced his decision to leave office
Nor will he continue on the Board of Directors. He leaves the Club assuming responsibility for errors made in the planning of this season but proud of the work done. He made it clear that he was not leaving because he feared a worsening of the current situation, "I would not be leaving if it were not for a question of dignity. I am not prepared to enter in to a fight over the personal interests of others"
Miguel Guillén advanced in his inaugural speech at the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders his intention of leaving the presidency of Real Betis, in addition to his position on the Board of Directors. "I announce my irrevocable decision not to continue in the office of president nor as a member of the Board at the request of some of the shareholding syndicates, and responsible in part for the honour bestowed on me to form part of this Board of Directors".
Miguel Guillén added that "I leave assuming full responsibility for whatever happens between now and end of season. But please, no one should leave Betis for dead". In this regard, he explained that at the express request of the receiver Francisco Estepa, the other directors - except for Vice President Pablo Gómez Falcón - shall remain in office.
The President departed expressing his gratitude to the people who honoured him with their confidence - naming amongst others Jose Antonio Bosch and Rafael Gordillo - and affirming his satisfaction with the work done since 2010. "It was an honour to preside over the Club which I joined as a board member in 2010. Those were difficult times requiring difficult measures to be taken in order to achieve a transformation that, in my opinion, in the case of Real Betis has been radical". Guillén recalled that when they joined the Club "there were not the funds to pay the salaries and an accumulated debt of 90 million. Our efforts were focused on economic management and accounting precision, which has seen the debt reduced to under 30 million. Today Real Betis complies with financial fair play and a few days ago even the LFP (Professional Football League) and the AFE (Spanish Footballers' Association) lauded the Club's management".
He also summarized progress made in many aspects (marketing, facilities for the first team and the Academy, services to members, professionalization of various departments, social activity, representation in various sports bodies) but he also recognized the faults. "The main mistake has been in the planning of the current season in sporting terms, in which we participated in three competitions. The Board had complete confidence in the labours of the professionals in that area. But we failed to sign the right players and with the management of the team. Without beating about the bush this Board is 100% responsible for what happens and we recognise that fact. And I am the visible head that remains of those responsible for what has happened". Guillén spoke with absolute clarity stating that, while not giving up on the team's chances of permanence, this Board has ensured that in the hypothesis that the team were to fail in their sporting objectives it would not cause an economic drama nor would it endanger the stability of the club: "We wanted to provide Real Betis with contingencies whatever the sporting results".
The businessman finally expressed his gratitude for the affection and support received in the street and from his family and he parted with a request: "I would ask that the person appointed as president receives total support. Please let us put aside once more personal interests and focus on the needs of Real Betis, that requires us all to pull in the same direction".
During the explanation of the fifth point on the agenda, putting to the vote the removal and appointment of board members, several shareholders decried the president's decision to leave office now and in some cases stating that "a real man puts his trousers on one foot at a time". Guillén then took the floor again to ensure that his departure did not respond to a fear of criticism or failure: "Now I am king and I would not be leaving if it were not for a question of dignity. I have faced the music from the first day that I arrived here, I've turned the other cheek to those who have said to my face whatever they have wanted to. But I am not prepared to enter in to a fight over the personal interests of others".