Velázquez: "Even though we did not play well, we had our chances to win the match"

"If we think we have to be at the top of the table throughout the season, we will end up closer to the bottom than anything else", said the Betis manager

The Real Betis Balompié manager appeared before members of the press after the match in the press room of the Benito Villamarín Stadium. The manager from Salamanca recognised that his team did not play well, at the same time he lamented the missed opportunities as one of the reasons for the defeat.

Analysis of the match: “We were not good at any time in the match. We did not feel comfortable and we were very disjointed. Despite not having the required harmony in our game, one way or another we managed to create enough scoring opportunities to have won the match. In the first half, despite being more coherent in terms of position, we were lacking when it came to building plays and we were disorganised when we did not have possession of the ball. We had scoring opportunities in the second half, even though I did not like the match, to have put some of them in to the back of the net. In that case we would now be talking about a victory despite the fact that we did not play well. I am upset, but the only thing we can do is lift our heads up and prepare for the next match”.

Lack of intensity: “In the second half we had more intensity and more soul The first part there was excessive indolence and apathy about what needed to be done. Whilst the organisation of the team in the second half was not good, there was a lot of movement up the pitch and they created some danger”.

Do you not think that Betis should be at the top of the standings throughout the season?: “That is a lie. Anyone who thinks that is screwed. Our objective is to get promotion in June. Let's stop beating about the bush. Real Valladolid or CA Osasuna will be thinking the same. So from there, there will be some shitty more delicate moments like today, and other stages when the team is much better than they were today. The comments made in Ponferrada was not that the criticism was opportunistic, but that it is only natural that opportunistic situations occur during the week. It is only natural and you have to live with that. I accept the criticism, it goes with the job. I am the first one to be extremely optimistic. We have to look forward to the next match and find a way for the team to be more coherent in all the phases of the match”.

Do you feel the pressure on you for Betis to be at the top of the table throughout the season?: “I don't think so. If I thought that we will probably end up closer to the bottom the than anything else. If we start presuming that we are going to be at the top of the standings throughout the season, we are going to leave room for a lack of synergy and a lack of feeling”.

Before you spoke about the apathy and indolence detected in the first half: “I said that there was a sensation of them being apathetic or indolent, but that doesn't mean to say that they are not committed. I can guarantee that the players want this as much as anyone. They have a desire to please without limit. I am not complaining about them, they are professionals who I would lay my life down for and who are giving it their all from Monday through to Sunday. There are phases in a match in which things do not work out and that lack of coherence make it look as if there is indolence or apathy in what is being done, but the players are not apathetic at all”.

You have said that promotion is not achieved in November, do you worry about not being on the bench then?: “I respect all comments. The team lacks harmony in some areas. Despite the lack of coherence today, there were a lot of situations in which we could have scored. I fear nothing except death or disease. I focus on tomorrow, on analysing the match and working to the best of my ability to prepare for Girona. I feel the responsibility and the desire to improve the dynamic of the style of play which in turn will lead to better results. The other day there were some very positive aspects in the King's Cup match. I agree that the team did not have the correct dynamic in their style of play, but it is also true that we could have won”.

Given the distances that are opening up in the standings does that mean the team must win in Girona?: “Obligation is a bugger. You have to take things a week at a time, try to win points and always win. We have quite a distorted view of this category. We must work to get the correct dynamic in the style of play which will make us more coherent in what we are doing thus improving results and continued results. That obligation, even though I think it is legitimate, often leads to a distorted reality”.

A second yellow card for Alfred N’Diaye: “I haven't spoken to him. I have spoken to the physical trainer that was with him and he said that he said nothing about it, just that he wanted to talk to the referee and he got a yellow card. We shall have to look into what happened and see what options we have to make an appeal”.

Will Rubén Castro play closer to the area?: “Of course we are contemplating that. At the moment he is not playing there because of the resources available to us, we are searching for the most coherent structure possible. Until Friday we were saying how good he was. I am very pleased with him, he is a player that performs wherever you field him. Today coming in from the wing he had scoring opportunities, but of course we are considering him for more central positions”.

Jeers from the crowd: “Of course I hear them because I am on the pitch. I respect everyone's opinions, but I am not aware of what precedes each jeer. I totally respect the fans. The fans cannot be blamed for anything, quite the contrary, we can only take our hats off to them. We have to understand them, but every time there is some jeering I am not going to stop to analyse who the fans are jeering at and who they are not”.