Velázquez: "I am primarily responsible for what happened at Ponferrada"

"We have a lot of improvements to make on an emotional level, there are some morale issues that are related to last season", proclaimed the manager from Salamanca

During his press conference, Velázquez was also self critical about last Sunday's defeat against SD Ponferradina (4-2).

Are your players able to overcome mentally situations like the one that occurred the other day?:  “They are, 100%. That process is not the same for everyone. There are basic situations that are derived from emotional studies. You cannot treat two people in the same way. Each person needs to be dealt with on an individual basis. You have to try to create the most natural of atmospheres as possible. We are all well aware of what we want, to get the Club back to where it should be. We all know that there are going to be days in which we lose and others when things go our way and others when our opponents make things difficult for us. I have been in situations that are much more rewarding in all aspects and others where things are tough. We have to realise that we are in a very demanding league where there is a very even playing field. Even though we are in a club called Betis, if you are not up to the challenge mentally that means nothing. Because of the talent in the team it is only natural that we are going to do well in a lot of matches, but we have to be cautious. It is only natural that our fans would like perfection; the fact that our supporters want that is a good thing, they are not going to settle for second best and will always want more. You have to accept that that is a reality, in the end it is only logical. What happened to us in the second half the other day has to put us in our place. If the methods we are implementing are the right ones and there is synergy amongst all those involved, it will be really easy. I have no doubt that things are going to go well for us because there are a lot of positive things. You have to be level headed when dealing with these things. We have to be more than totally focussed to win tomorrow's match”.

Why are you more open with the media compared with other days?: “We are all human. I am the sum of who I am and the circumstances I am in. I consider myself to be a normal person, in a position of responsibility in which I have to make decisions. The manager is the manager. Whether we win or lose I try to be as rational as possible with my opinions. The players should be calm and we all have to put our backs into it. The team is going to give us things to celebrate, so we have to try to go with the flow in the most natural way. The manager is the one who has to decide, make or break, because he is responsible for what happens in a match”.

Why did you have a more solid defence last year at Real Murcia than you do now in Betis?: “They are not comparable. In the end any team, no matter what the name or the colours are, work with the elements that are available to them. We have to find a style of play that works with who we have available at any given moment. Success is derived from the ability to adapt. I am happy with the squad I have this season. You do not defend better by accumulating more players in you own area, nor are you more offensive with more players in the offensive line. It's about finding a compilation of many things, a balance. I am more concerned with a mentality resulting from connotations from last season. I am satisfied with the organisation of our game. The team has a good grasp of different registers and is more compact. It would be foolish to say that everything is wonderful when we consider the second half in the match the other day. The things I see in the group and the way they work every day gives me reason to be optimistic. The process is going to be tough, the main thing is that the team is competitive and has the necessary range so that we can get promoted”.

Are you happy with Antonio Adán?: “We do not have a number one keeper and substitutes. I am happy with Antonio Adán just as I am with Dani Giménez. Any analysis has to be global. I see no mileage in having a hierarchy. Adán is an exceptional lad with tremendous enthusiasm. Both he and Dani Giménez deserve my absolute confidence. I will field the goalkeeper who I feel is most appropriate at the time. Here we do not have starters and substitutes”.

Are you happy with Antonio Adán's performance?: “I am happy with his commitment. There are situations in terms of the group that do him credit. It is important to know when you are right and when you have made a mistake. He has acted accordingly. It is my job to get the best performance out of him, and that's all”.

Does the King's Cup get in the way?: “We should give more importance to what we have in this country. In England the Cups there are extremely prestigious. Its value depends on how each team runs things. It is a wonderful competition which could be really attractive if we all do our part. We know exactly what our goal is this season, but we have to take things as they come. We are privileged to be able to compete in this competition, and even more so at home. We shall try to enjoy and compete in the King's Cup. Whether it is a league or a Cup match, we are going to go out to win them all, to progress to the next round, but we should not lose sight of the fact that our objective is to get promotion. UE Llagostera have nothing to lose when they visit us, so we have to be very focussed on doing things right so that we can progress in the competition”.

Will you give players who have had few match minutes the chance to play?: “In some positions I will. We will choose our line-up based on the team we have to play and each situation so we can get the best performance. Tomorrow I shall field some players who haven't played matches or who have not played much for one reason or another”.

Piccini: “He is an extremely enthusiastic lad who has come here to do well. He managed to play quite a bit last season but the situation was complicated and he did not have a good time of it. He is a player with a lot to offer offensively and who has to develop defensively. He is a player with tremendous potential, with tremendous verticality on the wing but he needs to develop defensively. Even though he is developing as a player, he can still bring things to the team now”.

Bruno: “Clearly he did not do well the other day, but neither did the team of the manager. He had an interesting season last year and we expect him to perform well for the team when the manager decides that he can play. It would not be fair to judge him too soon. It is not easy to come on at half time, which was the manager's decision, or to play against Yuri at the El Toralín stadium. He is a young lad with interesting skills, he shouldn't be in the limelight so that he can develop and perform well for the team”.