Oscar Cano: "Being promoted would be a wonderful climax to an already outstanding season"

Promotion to the Second Division B is at stake. This Sunday at the Luis del Sol Training Centre, Betis B has to make a comeback from the first leg result obtained in Murcia (2-1). A challenge that the team has been focused on since the moment the referee blew up the final whistle in the first leg match. This was the message given by the reserve coach, Oscar Cano, in the press conference after the first leg match, and corroborated in an interview with the Club's official media in which he added his gratitude to the fans in the build-up to this decisive match


A transcendental moment in the season is approaching...

"Many months have gone by. We have to look back to mid-July when the team started to work and we started to build the dream and fulfil the two hopes and dreams that any reserve team has: that the first team takes notice of those lads who are doing well in the reserve team and try to see Betis B back in the Second Division B. The first one has been achieved and the second, well we now have our first chance to achieve that for our fans. We will try to not let this opportunity slip by".

Is there a special way to prepare this type of match or have you continued with your normal routine?

"Generally it's routine, but there are some special touches. It may be definitive because the team that comes out of this round victorious will ascend to the Second Division B directly. We try to handle these special conditions in a specific way. Feelings are running high amongst the fans and the team which means we have to prepare in a special way. We know that this match could be definitive".

The tickets to this match have all sold out and the fans will be the 12th player...

"The response has been extraordinary. But that was no cause for surprise. I've been here for 17 months and a number of occasions I have felt the importance that the fans have in this Club, that's why this Club will never fall. They are an active part of the Club and determine successes. It is a team for the fans with important social significance and a magnificent history. In this Third Division match played by the reserves what they are trying to say is, that they are there for us and they want to fully support their team colours. We know perfectly well that they will be supporting us until the last moment and they are positive energy that will multiply this final effort on the part of the team. There will be a phenomenal atmosphere in our favour and I hope we will be able to give back to them with a good performance by the lads on the field of play".

In the pre-match interview you spoke about the good performance that UCAM Murcia has had this season. However, Betis B's results in the Luis del Sol Training Centre have also been remarkable...

"You have to give credit to the players for what they have done throughout the season. We are a team that have earned a lot of points from our home matches. In fact, with the results that we got in the away matches it would have been extremely difficult to be league champions had it not been for the extraordinary results at our home matches".

Finally, did anything about UCAM Murcia surprise you or did the match go as you expected?

"It's not easy to be surprised nowadays, especially by teams that you know. We know the players because they have always been in the Second Division B market and they are only playing in the Third Division because UCAM Murcia's project is very ambitious. Based on the footballers they have we can predict, or get an idea, of the sort of football they play. They have a good mix of veteran players in very specific positions and other players who are still at a very good age. They're very competitive and it is hard to score against them and they can 'strike gold' out of nothing. They have footballers that at any specific moment can be definitive. Were going to have to be on our toes because it's going to be a demanding match. I hope we are able to bring out all these extraordinary qualities that our young players have and get the promotion for our fans. Being promoted will be a wonderful climax to an already outstanding season