latest news 10 years ago
Buenaventura: "Merino has the ability to prepare the players for when the first team needs them"
The Director of Youth Football announced that in the end there will not be a third under 18 team
The Director of Youth Football announced that in the end there will not be a third under 18 team
"I think I am a person with the qualifications to transmit those hopes the players", proclaimed the Betis B coach
"In February Varela's agent was sent the proposed contract conditions to which we have not received any answer", said the technical secretary from the Canary Islands
3.2% of those questioned in the new survey by CIS admits to following the green-and-white team
The technical secretary gave his opinion on the situation with Perquis, Juanfran, Nosa and the forward from the Canary Islands, in addition to the interest the club has in Dani Pacheco and Pantic
The player from Tenerife has signed for three seasons. He will be presented at 1:30 PM